Deep River County Park Visitor Center Meeting Room
Fridays, August 6 and August 20 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Free
Bring a sack lunch and drink. Come when you can to one or both days
Every year volunteers make a quilt from donated blocks to hand-quilt during the next season. This year we are asking for the “Honey Bee” quilt block; and since honey bees are social insects, we decided to have a HONEY BEE SOCIAL. We will meet some of our block donors, help novice sewers assemble their block, trade fabric swatches, and just have a good time. If you’d like to make a block, help others, need help yourself, or just want to meet and share a good time, come to the Park on one or both Fridays.
Supplies needed: Hand-sewing needles, Pins, Thimble, Scissors, Thread - white or beige, Iron-on fusible interfacing, Tape Measure
If you have fabric to bring, you will need the following: Flowered Fabric, Medium green leafy fabric, Light yellow tone-on-tone, Light Blue tone-on-tone, Black solid
Note: If you do not have fabric to use, packets will be available at the Social for purchase. A sewing machine will be provided, assistance will be given beginners, and blocks will later be assembled into a quilt top for the 2011 quilting bees.
This is my button collection display entry at the Lake Co Fair. When it was judged, the items were leaning on the tray. Guess when they moved the tray - stuff fell over!
This was under a misc collections category. There were two pages of entries. I put some tatting shuttles on display along with hooks, ruler, small motifs.
No ribbon, but I thought the display looked nice. Sorry about the bad photos. The entries are in large glass display cases.