
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pink Artist Squares

UPDATE: These are the squares I donated to "Love Squared". The squares were due on March 1st. The first square in this post was selected by Monica & is in the back of the skirt.
The purpose of the doll is to raise donations and awareness for breast cancer research.
Please consider entering the drawing and supporting The Pink Artist Community Art Doll Project.
March 1, 2008 Post:
Winter Pink
When it is made with your hands, it is made from the heart
Blooming Pink
When you create with your hands, you create with the heart
OK, this was a challenge for me. I'm the kind of person that uses a pattern, from designer, and may adjust it a bit -- or change a few fibers. but the thought of making something from scratch -- no pattern, was a challenge for me. As I got moving along with ideas, picking out some fabrics & embellishments, it became easier and easier. Quite frankly, much better than copying somebody else's design!! I consider these beginner squares; however, am delighted to have created something special for the The Pink Artist Project.
This square was made with an assortment of fabrics - I used the buttonhole edge [dmc 318 & dmc 223] w/Frosted Mauve beads. I found red shell button and heart shaped buttons to sew on.
This square was made with assorted fabrics - buttonhole stitching with dmc 223 & used bronze (iris hex) beads. More heart shaped buttons from the package!
When it is made with your hands, it is made from the heart!!
Update: Thx for your kind comments & words of encouragement. I would like to create a special Comfort Doll, next. I've been collecting 'stuff', oddments, orts, scraps, etc. and think I have enough fabrics now.


  1. OO Lelia these are fantastic!!!! I love them! and that you threw the pattern out the window (BRAVO!) is just the start of many more creative challenges on your path. Isn't it freeing to know you can do that!?!?! It is empowering to be able to start and finish a project that you orchestrated. Way to go! The lil buttons are cute cute cute. Thanks so much for contributing these squares to our cause... especially warming to the heart is it was a FIRST for you! Gotta luv that! Love & blessings to you, Monica

  2. Lelia,
    Thank you for leaving a welcoming post on my new blog and your nice comment about my squares! Your heart squares are beautiful and I love the buttons and the beads you added! I totally agree with Monica, that you created them on your own is a wonderful feeling! I'll bet you'll be doing more of it. I loved that you could use a little of anything with this project. It certainly opened a lot of doors for many of us. I'm hoping she'll do it again next year, as it was a lot of fun and felt wonderful to contribute to! If she does, I hope you'll jump in and join in again. Your cross-stitching is beautiful by the way! I cross stitched a little years ago, crewel also, then I found needlepoint. It has been my biggest love until I started to teach myself bead embroidery a few years ago. I'm still on the learning journey but I'm loving every minute of it. I'll be by again to see what more wonderful things you share.

  3. Oh, Leila: these are far from beginner quality--a lot of thought and care went into them and they are just incredible! Marjorie

  4. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! Your hearts are very pretty! :)
    I'd definitely encourage you to keep pushing your own creativity and making your own designs. It gets easier with time and practice.

  5. These are beautiful little squares - I thought I've seen them before - must have seen 'em on Girl Gone Thread Wild's site. They really are so cute and what a great first try!!! Well done.


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