The Public Libraryis hosting The 2009 Adult Winter Reading Program. It is from February 2nd thru March 31st. Not sure how many books I'll have read by then! I checked out these two books. The prizes are a $50.00 Gas Card and a $25.00 Gas Card.
Hello, I found your blog through One World One Heart. I'm not entering your lovely draw as I am trying to sort out my stuff and am trying not so add more goodies to the pile but I just wanted to say Hi. I'm a terrible reader - I have a pile of books given by others and I hardly ever pick one up. Take care
Hello, I found your blog through One World One Heart. I'm not entering your lovely draw as I am trying to sort out my stuff and am trying not so add more goodies to the pile but I just wanted to say Hi. I'm a terrible reader - I have a pile of books given by others and I hardly ever pick one up. Take care