Wednesday, September 02, 2009

2009 - Friendship Star Block

For 20+ years, The staff at Wood's Historic Grist Mill
(located in Deep River County Park)
have collected quilt blocks for an annual Friendship Quilt

Here are the details for the 2009-2010 Friendship Quilt:

Click on image to enlarge

Click on image to enlarge

If you are new to my blog,
there is background information and pictures
on these posts
from this blog.

Per the Quilting News, blocks were received from
Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Wisconsin
for the Lotsa-Potsa Flower quilt.
Blocks were collected during 2008 & nearly 200 blocks were received.

Quilting Bees are being held on
August 23, September 28, & October 25th
Wood's Historic Grist Mill

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