Friday, December 25, 2009

Alex & I

(photo by alex - Top picture:Healy & Millet  Dome Ceiling at the Chicago Cultural Center)

Monday morning, Alex & I took the South Shore into Chicago. the train was PACKED! Standing room only ....

Once on the ground, we walked to the Art Institute & adopted dots!!! He selected a dk blue & black dot --- I have a green one. We went up to see the Caravaggio painting on loan -- walked thru the Impressionism Galleries. Then, went thru the photo collage exhibit and Arts & Crafts exhibit.

Headed to the Christkindle market and Alex purchased a carved bird & some wooden puzzles.

It was totally cold!!! We ended up at Starbucks to warm up & wait for the train home. We had a nice seat on the double decker car. Once home, Alex wanted me to take him shopping --- so, picked up Nick & went to the Game Store. Those game people speak a different language!!!

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