Saturday, March 20, 2010

National Quilting Day

Today is National Quilting Day .... so, what are you quilting today?

Information from Holiday Insights - web site:

National Quilting Day (third Saturday in March) celebrates fabulous quilts and those who make them. Definitely a ladies hobby, quilting is a skill that produces warm and beautiful results.

Today is a day to recognize and appreciate the quiltmakers, the skill and the warm and the results. If you are a quiltmaker, spend a minute to recognize and appreciate that you have truely been blessed with a special skill. If you are not a quiltmaker, wrap yourself into a quilt and enjoy the warmth.

Origin of "National Quilting Day":
The National Quilting Association started National Quilting Day in 1991. Their members passed a resolution at the 22and Annual Show in Lincoln, Nebraska, on June 1991.

I usually submit a block (or 2) for the annual Friendship Quilt. My 2009 blocks didn't get turned in by the deadline. I will take them in tomorrow & hope they can be added to the stack when the quilt is assembled in April.

I like one color combination better than the other (block on the right w/prettier blue makes a nicer block, and I think that is color the pattern called for ). I'm not crazy about one part where the star is 'off', didn't get that corner lined up -- so trying again. Mistake really shows up (IMO).

I made the first couple with sewing machine & will try to hand piece - get those squares to line up!!!

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