
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

today is Button Day!

Per Holiday Insights web site

Button Day (always on Nov 16th) is a fun day to collect, use, and just enjoy buttons. Button come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors and designs. There is an amazingly endless variety of buttons for your collection.

But, wait a minute.... is that the meaning of this day!? Maybe, the purpose of this day is to wear buttons. You know, those diverse buttons that send a message for political purposes. Or, ones that have funny sayings. Or, a button with a smiley face to cheer everyone up.

The origins of this day are unknown. So, we can't be certain to the real meaning of this day.

And, that could be a good thing. It means you can celebrate today in anyway you want. Here are our suggestions. I suspect you may have more.....

Button Collecting and Display Day - collect and display clothing buttons
Button Up Day- 'cuz it's cold outside!
Pushing Your Buttons Day - you're kidding me, aren't you!?
Belly Button Day - now, here's one that could be real fun
Belly Button Fuzz Day - it's amazing what you find in there.
Wear Buttons Day - skip the political buttons. My favorite is a Smiley button.

However you choose to celebrate, have a Happy Button Day!

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