
Sunday, August 21, 2011

ok, stop laughing now ...

Not sure this is for me.   Epic fail.

Karol and I went to the
L.A.C.E. Class on Saturday. We are new members to the group.

The members are friendly and welcome new lace (beginners) makers. Whew, thank goodness - tho, just seeing the examples is such a treat!

The meeting was interesting + we took a break before starting the class. Was able to purchase some second hand bobbins + books. This book is a real treasure, diagrams are wonderful!

The class taught by an accomplished lacemaker. Goodness, she is very knowledgeable and has that special way of demonstrating - she makes it look effortless!!!

I took the pins out when I got home and was not
happy with what I had accomplished. Noticed the errors, can learn from the mistakes.  Need to have a class for beginners.

I learned a couple new to me
bobbin twists and turns. And, what a needle pin is used for.

It is very rhythmic once you get the hang of
the pattern --- then, things change to make the lace interesting.

After I get my snake finished (realized I wound the bobbins the wrong way - and that was chaos on the little pillow!!!) I hope to get this one back on the lace pillow and get more elements made.

It is a beautiful pattern!

I just need a beginner class - from start to finish sort of class.   

The next class is knitting on a spool - with beads and wire. Me, knitting? I'm a horrible knitter - class does sound interesting!!


  1. I'm not laughing... I'm impressed! That is such fine thread. Spool knitting is a breeze. I think you'll get a kick out of it. Are you going to Stitches Midwest? I haven't made up my mind yet.

  2. I think they have excellent teachers there. I'm a member but it's quite a drive for me so I maybe get there once a year.

  3. Me, too, I'm not laughing!! As I was reading your post and got to the last picture I was SO surprised how small your lace was!!
    You are a great beginner!!!


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