Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Tollway Tatters (part four)

was designing as she tatted along.
(unlike struggling me - baffled by patterns and
mere lock joins!  Also notice the book on the table???   
Plenty of books get passed along and it is
AWESOME to see a books contents
before opting to purchase .... thx Denise and Diane).
Marilee ended up with a marvelous

Marilee brought some of her famous
fibers - you know the ones ... from
Aren't these gorgeous???
Tourmaline and Nightwind.   ooooo ... so pretty.

Marilee also shared bundles of these lovely woven
square cloths --- They were like wrapping paper w/ribbon.   
We'd open them up to find LizBeth fiber!
and chocolate bars (were delicious.)

Thx Marilee!!!   I have the cloth on my basket in my room.
The colors are just lovely.

And, by the way --- couldn't help notice,
Marilee also was sporting a stunning bag for her oodles of tatting goodies:
Did you notice the heart on the needle book
and the lovely scissors keep?

Betcha wish you were there, tatting right along with us .... stay tuned more to follow ....

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