Monday, March 18, 2013


Lace In Bloom Contest
Open to all lacemakers

 If you are interested in participating,
the Lace In Bloom Contest pre-registration
 is due by Monday, April 8th.

Contest Details:   Link HERE

Indiana Lace Day is April 13, 2013

Indiana Lace Day information:   Link HERE

A good mail day .... my
OIDFA pin arrived

along with the new Bulletin.   
Nice to have a new issue to read while the rain, snow, continues outside.

I made this lovely origami bag for a GF.   I think she liked it.   

I entered it into the Spring Blog Hop, entry  #50.   Right now, it is 5th or 6th of 61 entries.    
If you get the chance, please VOTE!!!    Voting ends in 2 days.

Origami Bag is entry #50

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