Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Tatting with Honey Bunny

Yes, this is a motif from the On-Line Tatting Class,  (April 29th Class).     I made a practice piece,
and then tried a motif - which didn't want to lay flat.     I went over the pattern + realized I didn't have the center area tatted per pattern.    
Tried again with Lizbeth, Size 20, Col. 624 + think it came out ok!  This motif is

Sonnenschein by
Petra Tornack-Zimmermann

from her book Happy Occhi
square motifs in tatted lace

In addition to the on-line class homework, I tatted up a little motif

with Lizbeth, size 20, Scottish Thistle.    It is based on motif #31, a pattern
from MiniTats (by Patti Duff), motif with six points.    When I realized I had not joined the first point and 6th point, I added a little extra.


  1. Petra's Blog:

  2. Don’t you love it when the kitties contribute to your work!

    Nice motifs.
    Fox : )

  3. Love your I am getting the confidence that I will be able to tat motifs one day ....soon!

  4. Your motif looks much more rounded than mine. I guess I should try it again... following the directions this time!

  5. Your motifs look wonderful!! :)


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