Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tollway Tatters

Edited 05/22/2013 @5pm:     Carrie started her own blog.   You can see her beautiful tatting:

We gathered, we chatted, we tatted, we had a wonderful time. 

    Above:   Marilee, Diane, Sue, + I; photograph taken by Sue's DH.  

Diane enjoyed some retail therapy + found lovely embellished boxes to share with us.   (and the little shapes look like tatting shuttles!).   She spoiled us with tatting fiber, embellished tatting shuttle + thread winders, too.    

Sue found these awesome little blue doodats - and shared with all of us.   A neat new tatting embellishment.   Now, wonder what pattern will go nicely with a square???

Busy Barbara gifted us with snap bags.   Each bag with a machine embroidered tatting shuttle on the front.   Each bag a bit different and hard to select just one.    I liked this rust-bronze bag.   The top has lovely Autumn greens, blues, and bronze colors.    And yes, it is filled already with tatting tools.

Did you notice the HDT on the bag????   Yes, it is Gold Dust - made by Yarnplayer.   Like it?   You may find some for sale in her shop.   The colorway is rich + yummie.  
 In addition to the lovely fiber, Marilee gifted us with lovely bag of post-its, flower, and chocolate.   We all know how well chocolate goes with tatting!    

Speaking of tatting .... yes, we did tat!   You'll have to take my word, there was tatting.   Or, visit a couple blogs with photos:    HERE and HERE.    
I managed to get some beads on a shuttle and tat a couple of Jon's butterfly motifs, called Flutters.  Missed a couple who couldn't make it.   Regret not taking more pictures.   

Edited:    I so enjoyed meeting new tatters Carrie (now blogging at:  Just Give Her Some String) and Jean (w/o blog) and hope to see them again the next time we gather.    


  1. We did have a wonderful time! I look forward to our next get-together!

  2. It was so much fun and so great to see everyone again!! Can't wait till I can join you all again!!! :)

  3. Really like seeing pictures of these gatherings especially as you travel great distances to be together.

  4. Really like seeing pictures of these gatherings especially as you travel great distances to be together.


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