Sunday, November 10, 2013

Saturday ...

Up with the sunrise to get ready and drive to Lafayette, Indiana
for the Lafayette Lacemakers meeting.

Following a 30 min meeting, Anne Reaves presented Carrickmacross.   She brought in some books, photographs, and some of her lovely projects.   Following an introduction to the lace, she passed around a pattern and kit.   What a delight!    A holiday pattern - perhaps an ornament
or place in small frame.   Well, maybe after another try.    

applique on net.

And, do you notice it is FINISHED.   FINISHED?
Kind of - need to get up some nerve to cut away more of the Swiss Organdie.

Carrickmacross scissors look like this:
I could use a pair - when using scissors with points on each end of the blade,
I fear cutting thru the net.   

Thank You Anne!!!

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