Tuesday, July 08, 2014

and, there was some tatting going on

 at the Tollway Tatters gathering.   Meet the Rock Stars and Tatting Royalty:

Superstar teacher, designer and author, Marilee, sat down and carried on a conversation, and effortlessly tatted this up ... More photos on her blog, Yarnplayer Tatts AND facebook page Yarnplayer.    When the opportunity comes around to take one of her classes -- don't hesitate!!!   Her current activities are too numerous to list here, best to watch her schedule of classes and vending booth dates/locations on-line sites.

Tatting lace artist and entrepreneur, Carrie a.k.a., Shuttle Flicka with one of her spectacular notecards . . .    Carrie [left] w/Diane [right].    More from Carrie via her blog, Just Give her Some String and facebook page, Shuttle Flicka Lace ... Plus, she is going to be at the Interwoven Expressions exhibit + sale this Fall.

Does anyone recognize the doily in the photograph?   Yes, it is Renulek's Lentia, in progress, tatted by Diane.    More photos on her internationally famous blog, Lace-Lovin' Librarian.   From left to right:  Carrie, Marilee [above], and Diane.

Techie, Sue Anna -- enlightening us on the gagetry of photography a.k.a. "selfies" AND transferring the images to a page.   FB and/or Blog.    Sue Anna was tatting with the finest white fiber on spectacular hand crafted shuttles.   [I didn't snap a photo : (    oh, darn].    Thinking of others first, the tatting will eventually become a decoration and grace a holiday tree for charity this Winter.
Have you ever heard of the saying, "the one with the MOST, wins" .... honestly, Sue Anna has a fabulous collection of shuttles.   Check out the photographs on her blog, Sue Anna's Blog.  

   This pop-a-button shuttle photographed front / back  is Sequoia wood.  Sue Anna had photos of her collection and said "pick one" .  thus, this beauty found new dwellings in our home .... yep, my home!!  Thx again Sue Anna, I'm gobsmacked speechless ....
In addition to the tatting, chatting, and goings on ... Diane brought woven bags made on her saori loom.   These bags are being created from her Mom's own pattern.    Bag in picture is made by her Mom.    Diane has more spectacular bags on her blog.   They are for an Autumn fundraiser held at her Mom's retirement.   Need a new bag?   Willing to help the cause?  Please visit her blog post:    http://lacelovinlibrarian.blogspot.com/search/label/Saori .

This is a tatted heart in the works - partially tatted by me.   The fiber is some of Marilee's HDT.    It is marvelous to tat with, and she has some new colors in her Etsy, Yarnplayer store.   Not a lot of tatting progress.   Waiting for my damaged finger to heal.   Have you ever tatted with a bandaid on your finger?   Nearly impossible to get rings, chains, without gaps.    Most tatters will recognize the pattern.   It is Split Ring Heart by Georgia Seitz, Link HERE.   

The card, gift from Carrie - she had oodles + had each of us choose one.   Thx again Carrie!!!    The bottles, gifts from Marilee, are filled with beads - Marilee created some bead mixes and poured them into these itty bitty corked bottles.   Too cute.  Thx again Marilee!!!

Are you familiar with the Rainbow Loom?   Sweet Ava, who was not able to join us today, made a Hello Kitty for me with her loom + made with colorful bands.   The last time I saw her, she had oodles of creations made on the loom - each unique, colorful, and delightful.   I need to find a special place for my treasure.  Next to my adorable Hello Kitty is a re - start of the tatted heart, so far without gaps.   I have a tighter bandaid on my finger and it improves my tatting!  


  1. Look at all those smiles....nice shuttles...

  2. It looks so fun! If I lived even 4 hours closer, I'd love o join you!

  3. Bandage? Welcome to my world! Great post. : ))

  4. Bandage? Welcome to my world! Great post. : )

  5. Wonderful to be able to meet and share like that!

  6. Looks like a tatting blast again!!! :)


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