Thursday, August 14, 2014

Tollway Tatters: Diane

This is the beginning of a spinning wheel, design from Tatting with Visual Patterns by Mary Konior.    Started by Diane, who blogs as Lace-lovin' Librarian, using Omega fiber.

 And, before we packed up all our tatting tools, this is what it looked like:

So interesting to see how the different colorways in fibers create a secondary pattern!!!   This fiber and design will be a winner once finished.

In addition to the lovely tatting, Diane is weaving bags!    Her Mom gave her a saori loom for her birthday ... when she arrived at the Tollway Tatters gathering, she brought a large shopping-bag size FULL of woven bags.   Each creative and special - all made with an original pattern designed by her Mom.     And, yes, she is selling them.   Not sure how she can part with all her lovelies ... but, there you have it .... look at the bags:



Haven't seen enough bags?   Take a peek - HERE, for more photographs !!!   See one you just HAVE to own?   Contact Diane.   I had such a good time pulling out her bags and taking pictures.    I ended up with my tatting in a knotted HEAP - oh no - oh yes, but, with patience, all became unknotted + I have become closer to finishing my edge.

This pattern is from Learn to Tat
by Jeannette Baker

Never leaving empty handed .... or, shall I say, 'so spoiled I stink' ....     
 What cool blue HDT do you see?    Yes, gifted by Marilee, aka Yarnplayer.   I have ideas for the blue.   Her colors are fabulous.   What inspiration for tatters.  

And Diane brought along a container of blinged shuttles for all of us to choose favorites!!!   Diane has that eye for embellishing shuttles, all so colorful and fun.   Want to see more?   Look on Diane [Lace-Lovin' Librarian]'s blog under shuttle bling or blinged shuttles .... very festive.  
 Both of the shuttle sides are decorated + have a sparkle, glitter in the seal.   These bad Boyes are in tip top shape.  
 Thank you!  Thank you!  


  1. I need to get back into creative mode... too much time preparing for school and crocheting for my great-nephew. Your post has inspired me to spend some time doing what I like today! I guess I should write a blog post too! ;-)

  2. Oh my goodness!!! So many awesome things to see and such fabulous colors!!! I love that blue thread!!!! :)


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