Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Tollway Tatters: Marilee

 While I'm chatting away -- Marilee tatting this little sample.    Frankly, I have no clue how it is constructed and I was next to her watching!!!    Along with two other books, Marilee had this one, New Dimensions in Tatting.   What an impressive book ; )    Are you following her fine blog?   Link HERE.   Facebook page?  Link HERE.

You say its your Birthday!!!!  A song and cake - my kind of party.   

And ... look at this beautiful HDT, Peace ... selling FAST out of Yarnplayer's ETSY.   Interested - get over there - link HERE.

Check out the lovely tatted flower!!!   So creative and colorful.   Happy Birthday and many more ; )


  1. Gosh, a whole blog post all about me, that's such an honor. It was a fun party! Thank you.

  2. Marilee's patterns are always such a delight ! Inverted tatting is something I am still not comfortable with. It is still on my to-learn list.
    The sample above looks a bit like a Peacock's plume :-))


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