Wednesday, February 17, 2016


 Did you get your Helping Hands Newsletter?   Nice gift enclosed, too -- I have not edged a hanky, yet.   I am trying to block tat, too - not much success.   May need to get a tutorial from my tatting friends!    OK - back to the newsletter, did you notice the IOLI convention information?   Look closely - it is going to be in Indianapolis this year.   LINK HERE.

 Still have snow, here.   Flurries today.   our forecast is for a warm up - should all melt soon.


  1. You can do a hanky edging and it will look fabulous!!! :)
    We have snow here too, and the warm up is supposed to come Friday, but they are already saying snow again next week.

  2. The little gifts more than make up for the cost of the newsletter! Mine was lavender. :-)


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