Sunday, March 27, 2016

Acorn Medallion #24

Familiar with the Online Tatting Class?  
Link HERE for information and 2016 Index.   
AND - Link HERE to see some of the projects on the Homework blog.

The Online Tatting Class meets on Mondays.   New patterns begin at 3pm or 8:30pm ET.  Or, sign in a half hour earlier for needle tatting lessons and an open question/answer period (2:30 and 8:00pm.)

On Monday, 3/28, the Online Tatting Class will be going thru three projects/patterns, links HERE,  

The third one listed, is from Forty Original Designs in Tatting by Nellie Hall Youngburg.  Jane Eborall provided an awesome diagram.   It is the Acorn Medallion #24.  Of the 40 patterns in the book, this is one that I tatted ( the model for pattern / class) ,    

 LizBeth size 20, Color 164 (maybe I should have used gold colors!)

Join the discussion, tatt up the medallion!  
Hope to see you signed in on Monday : )    

Interested in more of Nellie Hall Youngburg patterns?  

See the link in side bar of this blog, 
 LINK HERE from the Homework Blog, 
review the patterns from the On-line Tatting Class index,  
OR Bella Online, Georgia Seitz - Tatting Editor's site .... LINK HERE



  1. That is a very interesting medallion, and I love the color you chose!

  2. That's a great looking medallion!!! And the colors are fabulous!!! :)

  3. Very unique - thank you for modernizing for us!


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