Monday, July 25, 2016

IOLI Class: Marilee Rockley

Saturday's class taught by Marilee Rockley.

Pattern:  Beaded Path by Marilee Rockley
Fiber:  Size 10, Color 650--Denim Blue Lt, Lizbeth

I have to say, when Marilee says she provides the kit for class ... it has EVERYTHING!  Fiber, Crochet Hook, Tatting Shuttle, Beads, Bead Mat, Findings, Color pattern (2pg).   It has everything needed to create a set:

earrings, bracelet, necklace.

I thought the class would be a struggle for me; however, Marilee teaches with grace and patience -- in no time, I was able to get the pattern going.   All chains & beads.   The bracelet is tatted, need to add the jewelry findings after I end the tatted fiber ends.

So impressed was I, 
I gave her a donation for an xtra kit!   This is a lovely color combination.  A wood-rose fiber and  beads.   She offered lovely combinations - hard to select just one ; )

Some purchases from vendor, Black Sheep at Orenco.  (Was told ) Yellow Heart top left-flat shuttle.  Lacewood top right.  Purple heart lower left.  Myrtle lower right.

 Magical edging keeper .... Link Here:

This one is purple heart.   It is the perfect size for tatted edges.   Probably will work with knitting/knitted edges, too.    (honest - just had to have one to try).

IOLI 2016 Convention souveniers:
Pictured above:  tote bag -- Pictured below:  tack-style pin.

Above:  At one of the dinners, participants were asked to wear hats w/lace theme.   Each participant received a hand made "hat" which is actually a magnet - for their lace pillows, or notion bags.   Sweet lady bug fabric ; )    and charming hat band.


  1. It looks like you had a wonderful time!

  2. Your bracelet turned out beautifully! I'm so glad you were in my class. Looks like you did have some shopping time in the vendor's room :) Very nice-looking shuttles!

  3. Looks like you had a fabulous time!!! :)
    Your bracelet looks great too!!! :)


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