Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Happy Day! Happy Mail!

 Marilee Rockley's newest publication of jewelry sets.   Plus Hydranga and Raspberry Sorbet HDTs.

Earlier this year, I was fortunate to find some vintage pattern booklets + couple of shuttles.  

The flat shuttles were etsy finds from the Shuttle Smith.   Excellent craftsmanship.    Beautiful shuttles.

And, could not resist Ayumi Horiai's ladybug embellished shuttle.  Lovely shuttles now available at the Tatting Corner.   


  1. Wonderful and congratulations! Even on a vintage find, that is such a great feeling 😄🌹😄

  2. Fabulous tatting supplies!!! :) I am sure there will be some beautiful tatted projects soon!! :)

  3. Have fun with your new "goodies"! Let me know if anything doesn't make sense in the book.


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