Sunday, April 16, 2017

Tollway Tatters

Last Friday, the Tollway Tatters gathered.  Please visit Lace-Lovin' Librarian (blog) for more info and photos.   It is a fun, creative time with oodles of chatting,

sharing tatting fibers, sharing glass pieces for tatted ice drops (my color selection tripled), gifting hand made tools (see the needle w/tatted tail for un-knotting), sharing charms,
talking about the latest shuttles (ie Clover Japan, acrylics by Rita, shapes, sizes) ,  snacking, and gifts!!!  

 Sunlit shuttle embellished by Denise.    Had been in a copper color 'egg' container w/goodies.

Nice to catch up on the news and always ...  tatting.  For me, emptying shuttles.  

Lace-lovin' Librarian aka Diane, put several origami pouches together (rainbow of colors) a few years back.    She thought we could embellish them with tatting!      I selected a green one, and realized, once home, that I gift most of my tatting and didn't have much for the bag ; )

    Fast forward . . . when my MIL passed away, she seemed to keep all the tatting I ever made for her in small frames and a special box (I stitched the top).    First Step pattern is by Genny Morrow.

I pulled out the origami pouch, fused the tatting, added a (made by Diane) crochet button, a few beads and charms ... and before I knew it, the whole thing was covered!  
 main parts of the bag .....

 the sides ......

these are the sides with pocket flap pulled up.   LL pin and IOLI pin.

On April 7th, I went to the International Quilt Festival. The quilts were incredible!  
Beautifully / artfully displayed.     Among the cool things in the many booths ...  I purchased 2 beige shuttles ... 

they were pretty scruffed and dirty w/awful gritty fiber.    So, I cleaned them up a bit!    

    I also found a vintage pattern book.

need to get a few 'promised' items made up and mailed this week.   Happy Spring.


  1. It would seem that you really enjoyed yourself! Love the new shuttles and that book is a treasure for sure. Love the Origami creative.

  2. Looks like an awesome day with lots of fun and colorful things!!! :)


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