Sunday, May 21, 2017

Tollway Tatters

Ana.  Her project was "Wondrous Window" earring pattern 
by Marilee Rockley from Up and Tat 'Em.  

Elaine.  A needle tatter!  The photo (below) is a spiral she was creating.
and, I have to make mention .... She designed her own tee shirt with dye in squirt bottles.  She made her own stencils with contact paper (x-acto knife) and ended up with a very creative tee.  

                                                     Denise  on the left, Barbara on the right.  Denise had all the ingredients for ice drop production.   She things BIG and wants to create oodles, to gift this week.   Innovative color choices, and speedy tatter!    She is making them based on ladybug, emerald ash borer bug, think - nature inspired pieces.       
Denise tatted around a copper penny (show-n-tell).   Fabulously interesting!   

Barbara's tatted snowflake project (show-n-tell).  Barbara was piloting a new-to-her tatting shuttle in photo above.  
 Denise (left) and Barbara (right).

Sue Anna sporting a stunning new jewelry set (show-n-tell).  It is a Marilee Rockley set!     Close up of earring in photo below.  
  Yesterday, Sue Anna was tatting the earring pattern with different beads and fiber colors.    The pattern is in the book, Tatting with Beads Jewelry (link here).  Photo below.

Here is Marilee on her carbon fiber cello - she played a piece from Fantom of the Opera.  (I think).    Diane has the video!!!    She is one talented artist!    Teacher, designer, fiber dyer, tatter, and friend.  And, yes, after her solo, she tatted and chatted with all of us.   So helpful with our tatting issues (ie Catherine Join, keeping the tatting flatter, etc.)

And look who came from Michigan!   Delighted to chat and see Sue's latest sun catchers.   She creates wonderful patterns for ice drops and sun catchers.   (If you look at Diane's blog post, she has more photos of the projects).  Or, check out her creations on her blog, Tatting Lace in Grace.     While I was trying to change a pattern to make it look different (after 2 trys - realize it doesn't work out), Sue eyes it for half a second and diagnoses a fix!   A tatting mechanic!

Here is Diane.  Can you guess what she is making?   Could it possibly be an ice drop?    More photos at Lace-Lovin'Librarian's (link to blog posts HERE).       See the box in front of her -- yep, indeed, Yarnplayer HD threads.   They look so much better in hand than in photos (on my computer screen).   If you have not given them a try --- do so soon!     These came home with me -- Nitty Gritty, Peace, and Stardate.     Oh, that "Peace" fiber color is probably my favorite.

When I had HDT by Yarnplayer, 50/50 wool/silk, I knitted with it - and made square on my pin loom.   It is a beautiful colorway - and I've enjoyed using it.   ( color Peace  ).



  1. Nice to be able to put faces to some who have just been names to me! Looks like a wonderful day.

  2. So much fun and fabulous friends!!! :)
    Love what you have done with your HDT!!! :)


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