
Monday, December 21, 2020

Just Beyond the Basics: Holiday Edition (2nd post)

Pattern:  Fans and Spiders, Holiday Version
c. Karen H Thompson, 2020
I used DMC coton perle No 8.  #580 (green) and #600 (pink).
The lesson was on creating a 'spider' and 'fans' - our instructor provides excellent patterns and instructions.   During the zoom class time, excellent demonstrations and encouragement.

There are wonderful classes available thru the Lace Museum.
link HERE.

Pattern:  Candle
c Karen H Thompson, 2020

This is my 2nd Candle project in progress.   I used the same perle coton DMC No. 8 as the previous candle I created.   #726 (yellow) and #321 (red).

Our next session will be 
a shape where we learn to
'turn a corner' and 'how to make a sewing and how to join'


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