Saturday, July 13, 2024

Tatting: Comparing fiber sizes

Blue Square Motif - Size 80 (lost label)
Dark Red Butterfly - Size 20, Lizbeth color 670
Round Motif - Size 40:   Lizbeth color 622

My trial(s) were created by me - to find a finer fiber that I could tat in order to complete a button.   Usually, I choose a size 20 fiber.   Wanted to try finer fibers.  I found the size 80 a challenge to control.    The 40 was easier for me to manage.   I wanted to tat a small motif and apply it to a covered button.   (without it looking clumsy.)

Pattern/Video for blue square motif:

Motif #54 from

Butterfly pattern given to me 
by my friend Carolyn R.



  1. Sometimes it takes your fingers a little time to adjust to a different thread size than their 'usual' before you can easily control the thread to your satisfaction. The more you play with different sizes, the easier it gets to control the thread. Experimenting with threads is definitely fun, though. I hope you show us the button when you've got it completed.


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