Thursday, December 04, 2008

I'm random this a.m.

I've been tagged by Tammie, A Stitch in Time Blog:
Post the rules on your blog. Write 6 random things about yourself. Tag 6 people at the end of your post. Let each person they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. Let the tagger know that your entry is posted on your blog
I've seen this tag on many blogs already - so, I'll skip the passing along!

(1.) I appreciate the friendships gained thru the love of needlework (non-bloggers and blogers) Sharing their projects, skills, and even windows into their lives.

(2.) I rarely view a movie, sometimes attend the Foreign Films at Valpo University -- occationally view a DVD with the boyz.

(3.) My favorite hobbies are reading, needlework, and sketching/drawing (and soon sewing once I catch on to the machine.)

(4.) I enjoy listening to most types of music

(5.) Aside from pbs, I don't view much television (tho try not to miss The Mentalist) Esp avoid violet stuff in books & tv

(6.) I like olives from Spain

I'm pretty boring!! LOL. If any readers have not shared, please do!

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