Monday, December 08, 2008

Need a laugh today?

See how I can make a simple shape into a seamstresses first laugh of the day? Goodness.

My first try -- lots of puckering, didn't quite get the neck seam right, notice the hands are two different sizes? and, the head and hands, not quite rounded. Maybe a blockhead? I think sewing machines like to create STRAIGHT lines & curving is just going to be coaxed : )

Second try, improved neck and wrist seams. Head with points (can that be hidden with hair!!! LOL.) Those arms and hands don't match the pattern. I'll have to free form another shape and get the hands and arms closer in size.

Because I hate myself, figured I try 'smaller' and here is the result. The head has one point (oops), the arm seam came undone (clipped too much fabric away), and well ... me thinks more practice in order.

The fabric isn't the greatest -- maybe some sort of poly/cotton blend?

My sewing lesson cancelled this a.m. as the heat went out in the building. Stay tuned, I should become more enlightened on Friday.

Think maybe I should attempt a simple rabbit shape? In flannel or something?

Lots to learn, excited to try new things, and my hands are delighting in the much needed rest from hand-doing EVERYTHING.

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