Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tollway Tatters ..... continued

Tatting by Lace-Lovin' Librarian, Diane:

Size 20 HDT by Yarnplayer:  Pansy

Oh, yes!!! If you are familiar with Diane's blog,
you know the pattern ....

Spinning Wheel -- Glass Mat
pattern located in

In addition to bringing part of her Spinning Wheel
collection for us to drool over ...
Diane was a busy bee at her sewing machine.
She created multiple Origami Bags !!!

The colors, so beautiful, we each chose --just ONE.
We will be decorating the bag flaps with our tatting.
I liked the green ... I think will be pretty with pink motifs.

(Diane and Marilee)

Tatting by Barbara:
I peeked at the pattern - I think it was a 
fall leaf (my mind is so lost).

Barbara brought a couple (new - to - me) books to look at
This one on my "purchase one day" list.

AND she brought her tatted motifs in which she added
buttons.  Her necklace is lovely!!!  It is a star from Karey Solomon's book Tatting with Buttons.   The pieces Barbara made are in her album HERE.
Oh the projects are wonderful.   What fun to have them in hand!

(Diane, Marilee, Barbara (notice her star necklace?), and Denise)

Before we got together, I had gone on-line looking up
some FREE patterns (tatting using buttons) and, found these:

Lisa Trumble - Link HERE
Jane Eborall - Link HERE
Debi Pennington - Link HERE
Birgit - Link HERE

Denise was planning to make a pin (gift) by using a larger button,
glue a pin back on the button --- and
 tat one of her favorite patterns around the button.
Denise also brought a few of her bookmarks - she tried
a different 'tail' from the one she sent me.   The colors are beautiful!!!!

I brought a heart, made by CathyB's Mom, Marlene.
You might be familiar with Cathy's blog, With Needle and Thread.
It looks like / similar to Debi Pennington's pattern.

No surprise ...
I tatted a heart using HDT by Yarnplayer.
Motif #69 from book
Minitats by Patti Duff

This was an attempt on Motif #68
(Minitats by Patti Duff)
I made a couple mistakes + plan to tat this heart again

1 comment:

  1. Now I want to get together again... soon! We had such a great time. I think I may have to look for some more of that beautiful Pansy!


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