Saturday, October 12, 2024

Tatting: Heart

Pattern:  A Heart for the Holidays
By:  Georgia Seitz

I used Lizbeth Size 40, Col. 622.

Pattern can be found:

Pattern can be found HERE -- link.


Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Annual Feast:

The Lafayette Lacemakers will be at location 104 (map).

Lace Display, Lace making demonstrations
 for tatting, bobbin lace, and lace knitting.

October 5-6, 2024
9-5 Saturday
9-4 Sunday

2129 So. River Road
West Lafayette, IN 47906 U.S.A.


Friday, September 20, 2024

Monday, September 16, 2024

Lace Samples

Once again, it is time to empty 
the little bits of fiber left on the shuttles
to be attached to Lafayette Lacemakers, Inc.,  
business cards.

The cards are available
during lace making demonstrations.

The next demonstration
October 5-6, 2024


2129 So. River Road
West Lafayette, IN 47906

Stop by our tent and
say hello!!!
Location 104 on the map.

You are welcome
to come to monthly chapter meetings --
638 North Street 

Lafayette, IN USA 47901

and/or become a
chapter Member.
2nd Saturday of each month 9am-12noon
[except Oct & Dec].


Sunday, September 08, 2024

E25 Extract Me Pumpkin

E25 Extract Me Pumpkin
by Julie Myers c.Sep 2022

I used Lizbeth Size 20, Color 684 (green) and
Double Wound Lizbeth Size 80, Color 100 / Size 40, Color 136
HWT - Hand Wound Thread

August Monthly Challenge

Endrucks 1920 Project


Friday, August 09, 2024

Summertime Sunflowers


This was a zoom class
thru the Lace Museum, which I set aside,
and kind of forgot about - -

This teneriffe pattern / Kit uses beads and fibers.

 Do you see the beads?

In addition to the Teneriffe Sunflower,
I've started a Needle Lace Sunflower, too
thru the Lace Museum ... next zoom session/video on Tuesday.

Sunflowers are a GREAT theme
for the summer sessions via the Lace Museum virtual education.  I have a few patterns and kits ...

This was the first sunflower, of the summer, that I've completed:
 Class instruction and pattern by Kelli Slack.  Link:  Sunflowers at the Twisted Picot.   

I have a few sunflowers to create -- I have a Spangles kit - beaded lace bobbin.   
(photo from their web site Spangles)

Karen Smock has a class coming up, 
Sunflower on a small Grapevine wreath.  Earlier this year she had a lovely earring/necklace set, Zwirnknopf Sunflower Buttons - which I will enjoy making.   

Also, I came accross the Endruck's Happy Sunflowers, LINK HERE.   (tatting)    Should be fun.

I'm looking forward to see the new class offerings 
for Winter : )


Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Tatted edges

These are the edges I use for lacemaking demonstrations.
A simple ring and chain -- simple split ring edges.  

Ring & Chain - Lizbeth size 20, Col. 684 / Flora 20 - Color 201.  
Split Ring edge - Lizbeth size 20, Col. 661

Pattern:  Sophie T. LaCroix, 1143, Old and New Designs in Tatting--Book No. 11.
I'm using Lizbeth size 20, colors 170 & 138.  It is over 24" long.
[Helping Hands Newsletter Vol 20, Issue 3 - Fall 2012]

This edge is not difficult, once you get the pattern going.
And colorful!
Lizbeth size 20, Color 161.  
Pattern:  Plate 21-Insertion, Anne Orr in the Tatting Book No 13
[Helping Hands Newsletter Vol 32, Issue 2 - Spring/Summer 2024]

I find the wooden edge keepers keep my tatting from tangling up.  I tend to tat a little bit here and there, so nice to tuck in a bag and carry along.
Lace Edging Keeper from Twisted Picot, Link HERE.


Sunday, August 04, 2024

Anne Orr: Plate 21 -- Insertion

I'm using Lizbeth Size 20, Col. 161

I've had this issue of The Bulletin, International Organization of Lace publication -- Dated Spring 2012.  I always admired the cover - and thought the lace edge so pretty.   On my list to "tat" someday when I found the pattern.

And, then the Helping Hands Newsletter arrives in the mail, 
from Handy Hands.   

Inside the newsletter is the Anne Orr pattern!!!  
"PLATE 21 -- Insertion"


Lace Edging Keeper can be

Friday, August 02, 2024

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tatting with Copper Wire


Delica beads, tatted pieces with wire.
A free form, tatting with wire.

Inspiration from:

Zoom session available from
Instructor:   Kelli Slack

by Carolyn Regnier
