Yeah, what do I do?? All day long?? While the boys and DH are away?? Today, I've done some laundry ... dusting ... walked the dogs [many times] ... cleaned the litter pan ... started to read a new book ... and tried to make corn bread.

OK .... a side-by-side comparison of a MIX vs

cornbread from scratch. Yes, we already know what the Jiffy mix will taste like. The other pan -- well, it is HEAVY. Doesn't taste bad. Did I mix it enough? Too much? Why does it have that sink in look in the corner of the pan???
I think I need a different recipe. I don't bake. Mainly, because I'm not very good at it. But, this cornbread is very very heavy. Maybe I should invest in some new Baking Powder -- this can is dated Feb 87.
Anybody have a decent recipe??? I've already tried the one on the corn meal pkg.

She said to me: "
you haven't read Jennifer Chiaverini?". OK, I've heard of her ... but, no, haven't READ any of the Elm Creek series. YESTERDAY, I looked up the web site & in the afternoon, I went to the public library & found the books [with the help of Alex].
I checked out this one -- which starts "Chapter One 1849".
Maybe I should have read them in the order they were published???
I like what I've read this a.m. It has interesting characters. The new schoolmaster is described between girlfriends: "He's handsome in a bookish way, but I suppose that suits his profession." The novel seems easy to read & I am enjoying reading about this party in honour of the new schoolmaster!