Saturday, December 29, 2012


(using cell phone)

He comes in - he wants out.
The night before last, he came in around Midnight + slept until around 5am
and wanted back out.

Last night, he came in around Midnight + slept until around 1am
and wanted back out.

I don't know where he goes - he keeps coming back!

(using cell phone)

Stays up on the desk and watches for Jasper's return.
They kinda ignore each other.

After seeing Diane's lovely tatted snowflakes,
I ordered the book - wow,

what a nice book of patterns!

by Samantha Melnychuk

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Must have for 2013 ....

Not sure about you, I look forward to shopping at Barnes and Noble for calendars on 12/26.   Today, Tori + I enjoyed making our selections.

This is my 2013 Diary ---

2013 prints from the MFA-Boston
(wall calendar)

wall calendar for our family schedules
(wall calendar in the kitchen).

Tori found a beautiful 2013
Monet Diary and a wall calendar with
--- excellent choices.

Not that I needed any, found lovely holiday
with Lucy Grossmith paintings.
Guess maybe it is time to mail out some cards!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tollway Tatters (Part Two)

Aren't these stunning?????   Diane made them.
I may gift a couple - but, they are so pretty,
may be too hard to part with them.

Diane tatted this
Triangular Doodad Snow Crystal in size 10.
It is just beautiful!

She also brought along the button swap pieces
pieces from Bri (but I forgot to take a photo).
What fun to swap buttons and have them return, embellished!

Diane had a tin of beads/fibers and challenged 
us to be creative!   Not sure what we will come up with.
In addition to the challenge - there was a small
hook tool to help with the beads and charming
round discs that look like life savers.
Thx Diane!


The white star ornament on the left
was tatted by CathyB's Mom, Marlene.

I found a similar pattern (or perhaps it is the same pattern)
in Myra Piper's book:   Tatting.
The pattern is typed out - no diagram, and I wasn't quite
sure how to manage .... but, I tried using size 40 Lizbeth
and think I've figured out the pattern.
By using size 40, I think it will be smaller + look nice
on my Mom's tree. No. 47 Five Point Star, pg. 18

I have been enjoying Marilee Rockley's tatting class.

I used some fiber samplers, size 3
for the flowers and butterflies -
to use on cards / scrapbooking.

I have more green fiber - and will make more
of the grass in green!

Now that I have some size 10 fiber, I'm ready
to continue with the next lessons
making earrings, bracelets, etc - with size 8 seed beads.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Tollway Tatters (Part One)

'Santa' Sue Anna was tatting
experimented with a different count on the chains
and tried size 10 fiber with a Dream Catcher component.
Visit Diane's blog for the pattern.

Sue Anna brought some tatting with her.   She tatted 
this beautiful motif (Lizbeth Scottish Thistle)
AND, she brought along:
tatting she received from Jane - so, lovely!!!
(my photos do not do justice).

'Santa' Sue Anna gave each of us a kit of candy
to create candy sleighs!    She shared some of the new
Lizbeth fiber colors, and some size 10 fiber.
Plus, a beautiful Cherry Vanilla Aerlit shuttle.
Thx Sue Anna ; )


Barbara was tatting
Merie Lettieri's
She added pearl beads + so far, looks fantatsic!

I think she said this was her
third tatted bell.   The red and white look festive.

She shared some of her size 80 + size 10 fibers, too. 
Thx Barbara!

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Lizbeth: Size 3

Handy Hands send a Lizbeth brand, size 3 fiber sample 
with their newsletter.   

Earlier this evening, I tatted a butterfly doodle.
The 4-ring butterfly seemed to use a lot of fiber!
Keeping the ring of DS seemed clumsy at first.

I was glad I had a practice piece before
this motif from MiniTats
(This one is motif #12).
I chose this motif, as the shuttle only needed about 6' of size 3
for the rings -- the rest was from the spool of fiber.

I don't have much left on the spool.
Maybe more doodles this evening!

Did you notice the pretty shuttle?
This one decorated by Diane, blogging
Her color coordinating with her tatting 
is rubbing off on me!

I own 2 wooden shuttles, and find the
fiber shreds while winding.   Tips are so tightly pinched together.
Have not actually used them.

The two new shuttles for my collection
are Gr-8.   I knew they existed; however,
when I held one in my hand (belonged to Tatting Friend),
I knew I'd have to own one!
When I couldn't decide, I bought two.   
I have not tried them yet - they are very pretty to look at!

Saturday, December 08, 2012

2012: 25 Motif Challenge

Thank you Sharon for being our leader
and doing such a nice job with the 

I used Lizbeth fiber,  Col. 171, Size 20.

Motif #25 pattern from
Minitats; 69 Petite Motifs by Patti Duff.

Now I'm ready for next year's challenge ...
 another 25 motifs.
(Motifs #26-50)

Did you notice the special shuttles?

The green shuttle embellished with cherries
and GLITTER, was a gift from Diane.
She does a marvelous job decorating shuttles.   
Shuttles with bling are so much fun to use!

The Aerlit was a gift
from Sue Anna.   I've never used a
shuttle with a bobbin - it took some
getting used to, but a lovely shuttle to tat with
once I got the hang of it.
