Aren't these stunning????? Diane made them.
I may gift a couple - but, they are so pretty,
may be too hard to part with them.
Diane tatted this
It is just beautiful!
pieces from Bri (but I forgot to take a photo).
What fun to swap buttons and have them return, embellished!
Diane had a tin of beads/fibers and challenged
us to be creative! Not sure what we will come up with.
In addition to the challenge - there was a small
hook tool to help with the beads and charming
round discs that look like life savers.
Thx Diane!
The white star ornament on the left
I found a similar pattern (or perhaps it is the same pattern)
in Myra Piper's book: Tatting.
The pattern is typed out - no diagram, and I wasn't quite
sure how to manage .... but, I tried using size 40 Lizbeth
and think I've figured out the pattern.
By using size 40, I think it will be smaller + look nice
on my Mom's tree. No. 47 Five Point Star, pg. 18
I used some fiber samplers, size 3
for the flowers and butterflies -
to use on cards / scrapbooking.
I have more green fiber - and will make more
of the grass in green!
Now that I have some size 10 fiber, I'm ready
to continue with the next lessons
making earrings, bracelets, etc - with size 8 seed beads.