Alex was entertained by this squirrel -- raiding the bird seed!!

Tori arrived Friday afternoon. We picked up Thai food [carry-out] b/c Tori wanted to see the final episode of Grey's Anatomy. Followed by The Departed DVD.

On Saturday, Nicholas made his famous Quiche - DH cooked out on the grill. Alex picked out l'enfant as he is totally into foreign films. We viewed this DVD on Saturday during the ice storm. Lots of ice ... not much damage, just a few large branches fell.

Sunday, I made an early meal [chicken, stuffing, veggies, fruit] Tori got her ride back to IU.
DH, DS-Alex, and I drove into Lake County to see Volver. It was the 5pm show. We were back in time to watch THE awards show.
Lately, I've seen several movies, so, I"m movied out. Alex wants to get his hands on Pan's Labyrinth. I want him to focus on studying for his final exams this week : )