Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Looking ahead ...

Some books on "my list" for next year:

Kate Atkinson: Case Histories & When Will There Be Good News
Kate Morton: The House of Riverton
Peter Carey: The Good Thief
Maeve Binchy: Heart & Soul
John LeCarr: Most Wanted Man
David Wroblewski: The story of Edgar Sawtelle

Steven Millhauser: Dangerous Laughter, 13 stories
David Guterson: The Other (wrote Snow Falling on Cedars)
Curtis Sittenfeld: American Wife
Junot Diaz: The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Sue Gee: The Mysteries of Glass
John Grogan: Marley & Me
James Patterson: Sam's Letters to Jennifer
Maeve Binchy: The novels & short stories I haven't read yet!!!

My husband bought:
2666 By Roberto BolaƱo. Translated by Natasha Wimmer

Monday, December 08, 2008

Need a laugh today?

See how I can make a simple shape into a seamstresses first laugh of the day? Goodness.

My first try -- lots of puckering, didn't quite get the neck seam right, notice the hands are two different sizes? and, the head and hands, not quite rounded. Maybe a blockhead? I think sewing machines like to create STRAIGHT lines & curving is just going to be coaxed : )

Second try, improved neck and wrist seams. Head with points (can that be hidden with hair!!! LOL.) Those arms and hands don't match the pattern. I'll have to free form another shape and get the hands and arms closer in size.

Because I hate myself, figured I try 'smaller' and here is the result. The head has one point (oops), the arm seam came undone (clipped too much fabric away), and well ... me thinks more practice in order.

The fabric isn't the greatest -- maybe some sort of poly/cotton blend?

My sewing lesson cancelled this a.m. as the heat went out in the building. Stay tuned, I should become more enlightened on Friday.

Think maybe I should attempt a simple rabbit shape? In flannel or something?

Lots to learn, excited to try new things, and my hands are delighting in the much needed rest from hand-doing EVERYTHING.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

I'm random this a.m.

I've been tagged by Tammie, A Stitch in Time Blog:
Post the rules on your blog. Write 6 random things about yourself. Tag 6 people at the end of your post. Let each person they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. Let the tagger know that your entry is posted on your blog
I've seen this tag on many blogs already - so, I'll skip the passing along!

(1.) I appreciate the friendships gained thru the love of needlework (non-bloggers and blogers) Sharing their projects, skills, and even windows into their lives.

(2.) I rarely view a movie, sometimes attend the Foreign Films at Valpo University -- occationally view a DVD with the boyz.

(3.) My favorite hobbies are reading, needlework, and sketching/drawing (and soon sewing once I catch on to the machine.)

(4.) I enjoy listening to most types of music

(5.) Aside from pbs, I don't view much television (tho try not to miss The Mentalist) Esp avoid violet stuff in books & tv

(6.) I like olives from Spain

I'm pretty boring!! LOL. If any readers have not shared, please do!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Cat Snaps

Nikki: He is laying at the Edge of the desk

Honey: She is also at the edge of the desk

They seem to have found a sliver of sunshine today

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The sequel is good!

I picked up Knit Two at the public library. I'm about 2/3 thru it & am enjoying this novel.

Book Excerpt here

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thought for the Day

"With an eye made quiet by the power of harmony, and the deep power of joy, we see into the life of things."

William Wordsworth
Quote is from Tintern Abbey

Saturday, November 08, 2008

My Wish List

This is a fun book!!! I checked it out from the public library. Now, if I only spent as much time creating as reading : )

Monday, September 22, 2008

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Finally, it is my turn:

I put in a request for this novel & the public library called. It sounded so interesting. Should be able to pick it up on Monday or Tuesday.

Web site HERE

Friday, September 12, 2008

WIP: English Band Sampler

This is the Scattered Motifs section from my WIP:

I took an ICC course, 17th c English Band Sampler, thru EGA to learn specialty stitches and the various techniques used during that time.

I am sharing this section as it has several motifs that are filled with queen stitches
(As always, click to enlarge)
The flower petals (picture above) have tons of queen stitches, upright & sideways, over 4 threads or more. Using several shades of silk, one strand, the flowers have a beautiful texture
And, I am still not finished with the motifs!

Pictured above, the queen stitches are the same size; however, with the different colors of silk, create a wonderful repeating pattern in the large motif -- and awesome texture in the thistle & lady bug.

The largest motif in this photo (green,blue,red,gold) is solidly filled in with queen stitches
If you get the chance, try grouping the queen stitches together to fill in an area. The results are beautiful - IMO
I was so attracted to this course and enjoyed learning how to create all the bands & motifs. The course material has patterns taken from real samplers and it was delightful to make stitch samples.
And, one of these years, when I feel more ambitious, I just might get around to finishing this monster sampler.

It has sections of White Work; Alphabets; Double Running Patterns; Scattered Motifs; Variations of cross stitch; and finally (still working on this part) - embellishments & finishing

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

collectibles, 2008 Lake Co Fair

I thought it would be fun to try this section. Only one ribbon awarded. Maybe I'll do better next year!

(221) Doll/Stand
Clothespin Dolls, made by my Mom

(243) Buttons 9x12 display
Third Place!

(244) Cookie Cutters (6)
These were used by my Brothers & Sister while we were growing up

(263) Not Specified Above
Thread winders

Friday, August 22, 2008

Lake County Fair - Collectibles

Buttons - Third Place

Clothespin Dolls - no ribbon

Lake County Fair, Crown Point, Indiana

August 1-10, 2008

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lake County Fair

Handicrafts II (868) Bead Glass
Second Place
Mill Hill Jeweled Bar Pin
Filigree Victorian Rose

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Stash Sale

Last Saturday, I was delighted to pick up a couple second hand goodies:A lovely doll kit and doll book (loaded with patterns)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Porter County Fair

Home Decorating Articles (c) Pillows
Third Place

Comments by Judge:Beautiful craftsmanship. Good color and pattern choice.
Porter County Fair
Valparaiso, Indiana
July 18-27, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Lake County Fair - Sewing

Home Decorating: 1376 Living/Family Room Item
First Place

Home Decorating: 1378 Home Decorating Pillow
Second Place

Sunday, August 10, 2008

How Can I Help?

Please print out this slip and take it to the local Jewel / Osco on August 18, 19, 20. Camp Quality will receive a percentage of your sale.

In addition, if you will attending the House of Stitches Stash Sale, bring your lift off tabs! Tina said she'd be there. I told her she could have all my tabs!

More about this NANI outreach program HERE.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Nice pictures & articles!

C Q On-line Magazine, July Issue , has some terrific articles!
Don't miss updates by Pat Winter on Comfort Doll and The Pink Artist projects.

I had some computer issues this month & didn't get all my updated - web site - e-mails. So glad I checked this site today!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Trophy for Alex

Alex & I visited the Lake County Fair today

He participated in the Hot Wheel car races. I browsed the exhibits

Alex had the FIRST PLACE car
I know there were 200+ cars in the race

Do you see my stack of books? I seem to have a collection started

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Trip to Bloomington, IN

Thursday, Alex & I went to Bloomington & picked up Tori. Oh the construction was a slow-down!
Alex on Tori's bed. Check out the posters!!!

Tori was finishing up some on-line course requirements & then went to take her Final Exam. I was enjoying her desk. She has interesting reads scattered about.

My fav poster!
Good Taste Tori!

Tori will be home a couple weeks. YAY : )

Please pass this information to your friends:

Direct link:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

On news stands NOW !!

I bought Art Doll Quarterly (Autumn Issue) today at Barnes & Noble!

Inside, is an article & photographs of Love Squared

To learn more about The Pink Artist Project and how you can
enter the drawing for "Love Squared", click on the pink icon in the sidebar of this blog -- or -- follow THIS LINK.

The drawing will take place on October 15, 2008.

More information is available on the web site and blog of textile & doll artist, Monica Magness.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Pink Artist Squares

UPDATE: These are the squares I donated to "Love Squared". The squares were due on March 1st. The first square in this post was selected by Monica & is in the back of the skirt.
The purpose of the doll is to raise donations and awareness for breast cancer research.
Please consider entering the drawing and supporting The Pink Artist Community Art Doll Project.
March 1, 2008 Post:
Winter Pink
When it is made with your hands, it is made from the heart
Blooming Pink
When you create with your hands, you create with the heart
OK, this was a challenge for me. I'm the kind of person that uses a pattern, from designer, and may adjust it a bit -- or change a few fibers. but the thought of making something from scratch -- no pattern, was a challenge for me. As I got moving along with ideas, picking out some fabrics & embellishments, it became easier and easier. Quite frankly, much better than copying somebody else's design!! I consider these beginner squares; however, am delighted to have created something special for the The Pink Artist Project.
This square was made with an assortment of fabrics - I used the buttonhole edge [dmc 318 & dmc 223] w/Frosted Mauve beads. I found red shell button and heart shaped buttons to sew on.
This square was made with assorted fabrics - buttonhole stitching with dmc 223 & used bronze (iris hex) beads. More heart shaped buttons from the package!
When it is made with your hands, it is made from the heart!!
Update: Thx for your kind comments & words of encouragement. I would like to create a special Comfort Doll, next. I've been collecting 'stuff', oddments, orts, scraps, etc. and think I have enough fabrics now.

Love Squared

UPDATE: These are photographs of "Love Squared" taken by Monica Magness.

April 5, 2008 Post

Have you seen her?

Monica Magness has a special, creative touch! She created the doll, assembled all the donated squares, and WOOT : ) What a fabulously interesing doll!

My GF, Marjorie, donated EIGHT squares! I found this photo with her square. It is the second row -- last square on the right side.

Hey wait a minute ... our squares are VERY CLOSE TOGETHER! Her square on the right edge & mine on the left edge of THIS picture.

Per Monica's blog: "the pink artist" is a community of artists joining together to create one joint art doll to benefit Susan G. Komen for the Cure. When doll has been completed, it will be mailed in to Art Doll Quarterlyā„¢ before finally being auctioned off on eBay at a later date. ALL PROCEEDS WILL DIRECTLY BENEFIT CHARITY. Remaining squares have made our wall art piece a reality! BRAVO!

More pix HERE.

Hermit Crab

Alex won a hermit crab at the Porter County Fair. The boyz went on Monday afternoon. Nick won a few gold fish for his aquarium. I haven't attended. Alex went to Pet Supplies Plus and bought all the things the crab needs -- sand, sponge, pond, pellets, larger glass container [house]. I understand it needs to have light -- as in light bulb w/heat. So far, so good.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sun Dog

Sun Dog
Picture taken by Ellen W.

While attending a La-D-Da Workshop, sponsored by NANI, I had the pleasure of sitting next to Ellen W. - as we were turning off the 'rings' on our cell phones, she showed me this picture of a Sun Dog. She saw it in the Winter & took a picture. Funny thing is, I saw it Too!! I had taken the boyz to McDonalds for breakfast and it was quite a site hovering over Route 30 [in Northwest Indiana]. She graciously shared her picture with me. Thanks Ellen!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Honey Bee
I used this block to make a pillow. Now, I have TWO pillows!

I took a quilting class in the Fall of 1998. We hand pieced blocks. I pulled them off my closet shelf and decided, "not another year". Added the batting, back -- sew up the sides and added buttons.

Friendship Star

Churn Dash

Stamp Basket

Grandmother's Flower Garden

I am putting these items into the Lake County Fair - under Sewing. As they are not quilted together by hand or machine, they aren't supposed to be entered under quilting. Wish me luck!
