Picked up the boys at home & went out again to the post office, drug store, and public library. Even when the forecast is threatening, I have a hard time passing up a library book sale. These were fifty cents each:

This is the 2nd book I own by Arturo Perez-Reverte. Web info here.

Link to the Alice Hoffman web site.

I know you can read this book on-line at this link or here; however, I wanted text-in-hand.

Book Information: Ellen Foster
Alex found the 2006 "Cat Who" book & a book about scientific puzzles. Nicholas wanted a jig saw puzzle of a leopard. We did well at the book sale - which continues thru Saturday at the South Haven public library.
I see the New York Times has their 'best of 2006' and '100 notable books of 2006' posted to their web site. See Lelia's Xanga.
After spending YESTERDAY running a ton of errands, TODAY I'm back to the basement for more cleaning & pitching. I have the books in order & they all fit on the shelves. It is the 'other' stuff - boxes, misc kitchen items, photo albums, that I am not sure where to store.
It continues to snow. I'm not sure how much we will have when this storm passes. With groceries & books ... I won't fret being snowed in.
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