I started with size 3 crochet cotton & large tatsy shuttle Last night, I did ok with DMC 80 tatting thread YAY! I tried reverse with rings & chains (size 10 crochet cotton) First attempt very uneven Joining slows me down - still need to look at instructions & pictures to get it right Improved when I tried again ... still needing practice
My desk is littered with butterflies, shuttles & books! Colorful & delightful!
I hope to get good enough to manage a bookmark - bought the book at House of Stitches
Diana said... OMG! that book is actually on my reading list for the A-Z challenge for this year !! I would love to win it! Please PICK ME to win in your giveaway drawing! thank you. I will back to visit after the event. 2/03/2010 7:13 PM
Diana - I sent you an e-mail ... please provide your mailing address Always, Lelia
By learning/practicing rings and picot
I've made more butterflies
with different colors & sizes of crochet cotton
They are fun - good practice.
These (above) are made with size 10 fiber
(DMC cebalia & JP Coats Royale)
The butterflies (above) are made with size 20 fiber
(DMC cebelia & Lizbeth)
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Today, I'm practicing the joining and reverse work.
I sorta have the hang of it ...
I may try the heart on the cover of the Janette Baker book I've been using
The heart pattern says the skill level - intermediate
The bookmark (also pictured on the cover) also says - intermediate
Wish me luck!
Since this is a "snow day", decided to put up my feet and practice some tatting. I used a beginner level pattern for butterflies. I kept at it & found they became easier as I went along. these are done with #10 crochet cotton. I would like to try using a finer fiber - but, for learning - #10 is a pretty good size (IMO). The most challenging thing for me is getting the picot the same size THEN, trying to get the rings close together without GAPS!!! maybe will have better luck tomorrow.