Monday, July 29, 2024

Tatting with Copper Wire


Delica beads and a couple of tatted pieces with wire.
A free form, tatting with wire.

Inspiration from:

Tatting with Copper Wire by Carolyn Regnier

Zoom session available from
Instructor:   Kelli Slack


Jane McLellan said...

Wow, very effective. Was it difficult to do? Hard on the hands?

Lelia said...

I enjoyed tatting with wire. I use pink hair tape on my pointer and pinkie fingers. It is S L O W tatting & the beads add a lot. With a variety of wire sizes and colors, the sky is the limit for creativity. Or, can use patterns - easy ones.

Jane McLellan said...

Thanks for the reply. Not for production tatting then, but very effective.

God's Kid said...

Terrific!! :)

Lelia said...

This was the most creative thing I've done with tatting.
