So, now we are getting somewhere .....
Fish -- with a fin? Shark? Anyone hear the theme music from Jaws?

would be fun to tat up a school of fish. And before I am asked, the fish shuttles (for sale thru the Tatting Corner and Handy Hands, perhaps other places) were designed by Sherry Townsend. "The eye is Mother-of-Pearl and the tail is used as a pick." In my photo, the Golden Horn & Dark Horn are shown. And, guess what? There is an
Albino horn, too --- yep, I cannot wait to have it in hand. Link:

I pulled out my brown lip shell shuttle and my abalone shuttle - theme in mind, "sea creature", ie squid. maybe mermaid.
When I turned my pastel tatted piece -- I had new ideas:

What about a bouquet of flowers? or, balloons?

------------------- stay tuned. a few more clues in the upcoming days.
And - did you read Georgia's news? A Superbowl ice drop pattern! thx Wally. Link here: